virgin islands scene

May our heart's garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.
-- Thich Nhat Hanh


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Entice yourself

Give yourself something to look forward to. Then work your way toward it.

When you know you’re going somewhere desirable, you’ll bear almost any burden to get there. When you’ve chosen a specific direction, you’ve enabled yourself to make progress.

Give yourself the gift of a meaningful and rewarding destination. Inject enthusiasm into your moments, into your work, into your attitude.

What would you most like to be doing next Saturday, or next February? Commit to a real reward for yourself, and begin immediately to benefit from its positive power.

You deserve a future that you can be enthusiastic about. You have what it takes right now to point yourself toward such a future.

Entice yourself with a promise that will pull you through the challenges, inconveniences and disappointments. Give yourself something to look forward to, and invigorate your spirit as you move in its direction.

— Ralph Marston

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