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Success is never certain. Failure is never final.
-- Robert Schuller


Saturday, June 11, 2016

One day at a time

Harbor no resentment toward yourself or others for poor choices already made. Learn from those choices and their consequences, and move forward with compassion.

Resentment produces nothing good. Yet well-informed compassion will inject new goodness throughout life.

People do foolish things, including you. Let it be, let it teach you, let it make you more loving and understanding.

Feeling superior will not make you feel particularly good. Knowing you are making a positive difference is what brings a genuine, lasting good feeling.

Seek to guide yourself and others toward positive, empowering choices. Grow stronger, with gratitude for all you’ve seen and experienced, and with love for all of life.

Today’s choices enable you, and those around you, to improve on yesterday’s choices. One day at a time, focus on the good that’s possible and do your best to make it be.

— Ralph Marston

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