virgin islands scene

Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past, and the neglected opportunity.
-- Omar Idn Al-Halif


Friday, June 10, 2016

Inspiration beyond the moment

At times your environment may not be conducive to getting good, creative work done. That’s too bad, yet it doesn’t have to stop you.

As difficult and uninspiring as the situation may be, you can rise above it. After all, if work was only done in perfect conditions, no work would ever get done.

Look beyond the moment that is. Focus on the way things can be, on the good you can do.

When you’re in a supportive environment, make the most of it. When you’re not, choose to forge ahead anyway.

You have great things to do. Don’t let a few inconveniences, distractions or thoughtless people stop you.

Draw inspiration from the world around you when you can. And remember you can always find inspiration beyond the moment when you must.

— Ralph Marston

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