virgin islands scene

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
-- John F. Kennedy


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What you make of this

In the next hour you can move closer to the goal, or the goal can end up further away. The choice is yours, and that choice is made with your actions right now.

In the coming day, you can live in a way you’ll always be thankful for, or in a way you’ll quickly regret. Now is your opportunity to decide which it will be.

No matter what the excuses, distractions, dramas or conditions may be at this time, one thing is certain. You can decide what you make of this.

You can decide whether to do what’s right, or merely what’s most convenient. You can decide to do what’s best, or just what’s easy.

Your direction depends on what you decide to make of this. Aspects of your life that stretch far into the future are determined by what you make of this day right here.

The opportunities and influences of right now are more than you can imagine. So when you’re deciding what to make of this, let it be the best you can possibly make it.

— Ralph Marston

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