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One step in the right direction is worth 100 years of thinking about it.
-- T. Harv Eker


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Guided by purpose

If there is no purpose behind your effort, it’s difficult to do even the simplest, easiest things. Yet when you have a meaningful enough reason, nothing can stand in your way.

When you have a good reason, you can do anything, and you will. With a solid purpose behind you, you are able to endure any hardship, undertake any effort, and work through every difficulty.

If you feel tired and unmotivated, listless and dejected about doing anything, it’s not the effort itself that is the problem. The problem is that you have not connected the effort to something you really, truly care about.

Give yourself the advantage always of knowing where you are going and why you want to go there. Put in the time and the thought and the searching of your soul to understand without a doubt what it is you care about.

Then, make sure your life is pointed in that direction. Give yourself the energy, the enthusiasm, the electric spirit of a good, worthy, personally meaningful purpose.

There are many things you care deeply about. Stay connected to them and enjoy the beauty of a life guided by purpose.

— Ralph Marston

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