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A peaceful mind generates power.
-- Norman Vincent Peale


Thursday, October 29, 2015

One hundred percent you

Your life is what you decide to make it. Though you are pushed, pulled, bumped and disrupted by outside influences, whatever you nurture inside wins the day.

Your life unfolds according to what you value, love, admire, emulate and commit yourself to. That doesn’t mean merely what you say you care about, but what you truly care about with your actions and priorities in every moment.

Go ahead, activate your confidence in your own unique life. Admit to yourself and proclaim to the world what matters to you.

Celebrate all you love about life so often, so intensely you never forget it. Drink in the beauty, immerse yourself in goodness, and act accordingly.

You have great reasons to make the positive choices that empower your life and fulfill your best possibilities. Keep those reasons in mind as you go through the day, through the years, through all the ups and downs.

Life is what you decide to make it, here and now. Show the world how great life can be in a way that’s one hundred percent you.

— Ralph Marston

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