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Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.
-- Arthur Rubinstein


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Savor the experience

Whether you’re brushing your teeth, delivering a speech, driving through traffic or building a website, there’s nothing to be gained by rushing through it. Give your love, attention and awareness to what you’re doing, and savor the experience.

Instead of breeding anxiety by obsessively focusing on what’s next, create gratitude, joy and effectiveness by savoring what is now. This is where you are, and this is what you’re doing, so do it well.

Richness is found not in some future set of circumstances. The moment to enjoy life’s richness is the moment you’re in.

Pay full attention to now, to the people who share it with you, and to the good things you’ve chosen to do with it. Rather than imposing a judgment on whether your activities are desirable or not, find the positive value in each one.

Whatever you may be doing, keep in mind that your life is a miracle beyond compare. Rejoice at the good fortune you have to live that miracle in any way it happens to unfold.

The value in your life is the value that you choose to place on it. Savor the experience now, and always, and enjoy maximum value and richness in every moment.

— Ralph Marston

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