virgin islands scene

Success is never certain. Failure is never final.
-- Robert Schuller


Saturday, September 26, 2015

The brightest part

Make it your purpose to be the brightest part of someone’s day today. Make it your business to be in the business of spreading good cheer to anyone you come in contact with.

Every person’s life in this fast-paced world is filled with too many passionless transactions and not enough genuine interactions. So take each opportunity to be truly human to other humans.

Life is more than some bland spreadsheet where success is defined as just more of the same standard stuff. Life is the chance to be joyful in a million more ways than anyone has yet thought of.

Discover again and again how good a smile feels to give. You’ll probably even experience how nice a smile feels to receive.

Make someone’s day and it will make your day in a way that cannot be denied. Let go of the silly pretenses and let yourself be actually silly, in a way that is good and fun.

The world desperately needs what you can find real delight in giving. Shine a bright and positive light, and enjoy in the warm feeling as it reflects back on you.

— Ralph Marston

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