Friday, September 25, 2015
Everyday creativity
Sometimes creativity starts with a flash of inspiration, but that is actually pretty rare. Most good and valuable creations are made by people who simply get started and stick with it.
Certainly it is romantic to think you have a special muse who bestows her creative brilliance upon you from time to time. In between those scarce celestial moments, though, it’s good to have a more practical plan.
In fact, all sorts of magnificent, soaring fruits of creativity come about through plain old hard work. From rocket ships to business plans, musical compositions to golf lessons, magnificent paintings to website forms, creativity is an everyday affair.
You don’t have to be a celebrated artist or film director to be meaningfully creative. You just have to take the time, do the work, and put your care and attention into it.
Life itself is a continuing creative process, and you have an opportunity to participate in it every day. Decide to make a positive difference, follow through on your decision, and you’re being creative in a valuable way.
Gather inspiration from all the creativity you experience around you, and then do the work to make even more goodness in life. Whether your muse is calling to you or not, create something wonderful out of every day.
Ralph Marston

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