virgin islands scene

There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
-- Aristotle


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Live the miracle

What if you could step back and see the full value that challenge has added to your life? You would seek it out endlessly.

Imagine that you could see the entirety of the connection between gratitude and life’s abundance. You would be eternally thankful for every little morsel of substance in your life.

Consider what it would feel like to know the full, positive impact of just one small, kind act. You would seize upon each opportunity to offer kindness, compassion and encouragement.

Think of all the good, decent, life-affirming acts people engage in every day. Though they are quiet, modest, and little noticed, there are billions upon billions of them, and their positive influence is incalculable.

Invest a few moments to consider all the goodness that surrounds you, and all the possibilities available to you. Remember that what you focus upon, is what you act upon.

To the east, a golden glow fills the sky and another miraculous day of life has begun. See the miracle, feel it, and live its richness in every experience.

— Ralph Marston

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