virgin islands scene

A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
-- George Santayana


Monday, August 17, 2015

Joy to be lived

Every day, every moment, everywhere, joy is there to be lived. In the small details and in the grand stretches of magnificence, joy is always present and available.

Life is deeper than you’ve ever experienced it, more profound than you’ll ever know. And what a wonderful thing it is, that its mystery never runs out.

The world is filled with hearts that want to resonate with your heart. Endless expanses of beauty are longing to stir your soul with awe.

Color, darkness, warmth, music and silence add to the cornucopia of experience you are privileged to know. Today, avail yourself of the treasure and spread it far and wide.

Morning dew glistens as you stroll through this garden of abundance. Fresh possibilities invite you to love all you have and add to it.

And as moonlight bathes you in peaceful glow, a new day is already beginning to arrive. Welcome it, welcome life, welcome the possibilities, and as you marvel at your good fortune, enjoy the privilege of earning it with the way you live your life.

— Ralph Marston

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