virgin islands scene

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.
-- Alice Walker


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Create from what is there

Creativity is not making something out of nothing. Creativity is making meaning out of something.

The raw material of life and of creativity has always been present. In order to be creative, you don’t have to make anything materialize out of thin air.

Creativity is never out of reach because life’s abundance is always very much within reach. To be creative, take what is already there and apply it in a way that makes life richer and more enjoyable.

Whether you wish to create an object, an idea, a story, song, picture or experience, the ingredients are already present. Start with what you know, with what you have, add a lot of what you love, and you’ll create value.

Instead of waiting for a great idea to hit you, realize that you already are the great idea. Go with what feels good, interesting, useful, satisfying and fulfilling, and you’ll go far.

Creativity is your birthright, so claim it in every area of your life. Take what is there, add yourself to it, and live creatively every day.

— Ralph Marston

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