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If Plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters.
-- Claire Cook


Friday, February 13, 2015

Narrow the possibilities

Every restaurant has many different items on the menu, yet you have to choose one or two of those items in order to enjoy a good meal. Every day is filled with countless possibilities, and you must narrow down those possibilities if you are to get anything done.

If you attempt to do everything, your focus becomes scattered and diluted. And you end up doing very little.

Eating every item on the menu, if you could even do it, would make you miserable. Choosing wisely, sticking with your choices and seeing them through, creates a much more enjoyable experience.

The quality of your life is not based on the quantity of things you can stuff into it. The quality of your life comes from the love and attention and genuine joy you are able to give.

Don’t drive yourself crazy in a vain attempt to know everything, do everything, see everything and have everything. Instead, choose a few things at a time and enjoy giving depth and meaning to them.

Narrow the possibilities of each day down to the ones you can truly care about. Let go of the need for quantity, and find joy in the quality life you deserve.

— Ralph Marston

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