Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Work on it
If there’s a problem, work on it. Instead of wishing there was no problem, or complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, or running away from the problem, work on it.
Sooner or later you’re going to have to work on it. So make it sooner, and get the problem behind you.
If there’s something you would like to create in your life, work on it. Work on it, and bring it out of the realm of fantasy into the living reality of your world.
Any situation can be improved when you work on it. Though it does indeed seem simple and obvious, you always benefit by reminding yourself to work on it.
You don’t have to remain stuck, or frustrated, discouraged or ineffective. Work on it, and feel the unique joy of making real progress.
Life is a blessing, and in countless ways you can make it even more so. Work on it, and discover again and again how much good you can do.
Ralph Marston

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