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Advice is one of those things it is far more blessed to give than to receive.
-- Carolyn Wells


Monday, February 21, 2011

One small effort

You’re only a moment away from making real progress. One small effort can get you started.

It’s nice and comfortable to stay where you are, without taking action, without making progress. Yet after a while that comfort turns into stagnation, and you’ll feel painful regret for not moving forward.

Now, however, you have the opportunity to avoid that regret. Now, you have the chance to make valuable use of this very moment.

It really doesn’t take much to get started, and the payoff can be enormous. Once you make that first small effort, the next one comes more easily, and the one after that even more easily.

Soon, you’ll have real, solid momentum. And before long, you’ll have a real, valuable achievement.

Life is yours right now to live. Start with one small effort, and fulfill your greatest possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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