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The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
-- Thomas Paine


Saturday, February 19, 2011

A little bit different

You are always achieving something, one thing or another. You are always getting results of some kind.

Getting the results you most passionately and authentically desire is not a matter of making more effort. It is, rather, a matter of making different efforts and consistently keeping those efforts focused.

Focus is a choice you make in every waking moment. You are always focused on one thing or another.

The way to maintain your focus long enough to get the results you seek, is by reminding yourself why. Be clear about why you want those results, and find a way to keep those reasons close at hand.

The success you seek is not particularly difficult. It’s just a little bit different than what you’re doing now.

Be clear about why, keep your thoughts and efforts focused, and your life will proceed in the direction of your dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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