virgin islands scene

Be nice to people on your way up because you'll need them on your way down.
-- Wilson Milzner


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

While you’re in this moment

While you have this day, fill it with life. While you’re in this moment, give it your own special meaning and purpose and joy.

Instead of complaining about what could have been, tap into the richness of what is. Instead of worrying about what might or might not happen someday, enjoy fully the beauty of this day.

You are where you are, at this moment, in this place. Simply by choosing to, you can be completely at peace with it all.

And from a peaceful perspective of gratitude and acceptance, you can do truly great things. You can make this time right now the most fulfilling time you’ve ever known.

As you pass through this day, take in all the unique value it has to offer. The richness in your life all comes to you one moment at a time.

Everything that is, is now for you to live. Make it beautiful and meaningful and memorable in your own unique way.

— Ralph Marston

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