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The most decisive actions of our life ... are most often unconsidered actions.
-- Andre Gide


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pushing your life forward

As difficult and burdensome as they may be, the obstacles are not holding you back. Your own unwillingness to push yourself ahead is what has been holding you back.

You are entirely capable of working your way through every obstacle standing in your path. But that capability is meaningless if you don’t put it to use.

Sure, in the short term it’s easier to make excuses than it is to take action. It’s easier to give in to the trivial distractions than it is to stay focused on the meaningful possibilities.

Yet by filling all your days with excuses and distractions, you are choosing to fill your life with deep and painful regret. Fortunately, you always have another, much more fulfilling choice.

You can choose, right now and in every moment, to put your powerful and effective abilities to purposeful use. There is always something you can do, no matter what the situation may be, that will move your life forward.

Even though it will often be difficult and complicated, you know you have what it takes to get it done. And deep down, you know without a doubt that pushing your life forward is always your very best choice.

— Ralph Marston

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