virgin islands scene

Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there.
-- Will Rogers


Friday, June 25, 2010

Even though you don’t feel like it

What’s the best thing to do if you can’t get motivated to take action that you know you must take? Go ahead and do it anyway.

Sure, it’s nice to be positively motivated. Yet even if you lack the motivation, you still have the ability to act.

Even if you don’t feel like doing what must be done, you can still do it. Yes, your feelings are powerful, but you are even more powerful.

What if you simply laughed at those negative feelings, and went on ahead with your actions? You already know that it must be done, so you already have a perfectly good reason.

In fact, going ahead and taking action right away is a whole lot more pleasant than agonizing about it for hours or days or weeks. Plus it’s a whole lot more pleasant than feeling guilty for not getting it done.

So even though you don’t feel like it, do it anyway. Then see how great you will suddenly feel.

— Ralph Marston

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