virgin islands scene

An optimist is the human personification of spring.
-- Susan J. Bissonette


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Conflict is not your nature. Peace is your true home.

When you choose to see yourself as apart from others, you separate yourself from your greatest possibilities. Feel the connection with all that is, and naturally know the peaceful power and effectiveness that is yours.

Improve the lives of others, and your own life benefits greatly. The more joy you give away, the more joy you experience.

You can never truly gain at another person’s expense. Yet you always receive when you work to sincerely give.

Live each day with awareness and respect for your ever-present connection with everything that is. Work to enrich every little corner of your world, and you will experience the abundance of that richness.

Let the peace that lives deep within you influence each thought and deed. And make the whole world a more beautiful place.

— Ralph Marston

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