virgin islands scene

Never assume the obvious is true.
-- William Safire


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Explore the possibilities

From the questions that have answers there is much you can learn. And from those questions that have no answers you can learn even more.

For the questions that have no answers put you into the realm of possibilities. Those possibilities will take you as far as you dare to go.

Whole new worlds are there to be created when you set out to explore the possibilities. By opening yourself to new possibilities, you’re able to escape old limitations.

There is never any reason to remain stuck in an undesirable situation. For there are always possibilities waiting to lead you to a better place.

Just beneath the surface of what is, you’ll find a universe of possibilities for what can be. Look beyond the concerns of the moment, and dare to imagine the best life you can envision.

Being fully alive means being open to the countless possibilities that grow more abundant with each passing moment. Among all those possibilities are the ones that will take you exactly where you wish to go.

— Ralph Marston

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