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Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
-- Dan Stanford


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Get to work

Hard work is easy compared to the alternative. For the alternative is a life without meaningful accomplishment or fulfillment.

Effort can be difficult, time consuming and inconvenient. And yet, the rewards created by diligent, focused effort make all that effort well worth the trouble.

Effort brings lasting value out of troublesome situations. Effort puts your dreams into action and makes them real.

When you’re wondering how to get what you want, the answer is usually simple. Get to work.

Life is always overflowing with abundance. Through your efforts you express that abundance in personally meaningful ways.

There is always work to be done for those who are willing to do it. Be willing, get to work, and enjoy the immense value that your efforts create.

— Ralph Marston

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