Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So very much good
Be slow to take offense if indeed you ever take offense at all. For being offended gains you nothing and can cost you much.
Have patience with the mistakes and follies of others. Instead of harsh criticism, offer genuinely helpful feedback so that everyone benefits.
Forgive early and forgive often. Set yourself free from the heavy burden of resentment, and move quickly beyond the pain.
Learn from your regrets, yet do not punish yourself with them. Today is a new day with more possibilities than ever before.
Be truly thankful for all that is, and for your opportunity to experience it. You’ll discover great stores of goodness and value when you simply have faith that they’re there.
Live beyond the petty, fleeting concerns, and focus on the profound and beautiful substance of your life. There is so very much good that you can always do with it.
Ralph Marston

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