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Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen.
-- Lee Iacocca


Thursday, April 3, 2008

What tomorrow will bring

Life is dynamic. And for that reason, the bad news is never as bad as it seems.

Whatever may happen, whatever condition may arise, you can adjust to it and make the most of it. Not only can you survive in the face of changing conditions, you can indeed prosper.

When you look at new developments through the lens of your existing assumptions, they can often appear overwhelmingly negative and hopeless. Yet when you start working your way through the new conditions, brilliant opportunities begin to appear at nearly every turn.

Circumstances are constantly changing, and even the changes are constantly changing. As you continue to adapt, and as those around you also adapt, positive new possibilities emerge and take root.

It’s difficult to know precisely what tomorrow will bring. Yet you can know with confidence that whatever tomorrow does offer, there will be a way for you to make the most of it.

For the value and goodness of life never go away. They just continue to be presented to you in new and more fulfilling ways.

— Ralph Marston

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