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Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
-- Bertolt Brecht


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Dreams and doubts

What is possible to imagine, is possible. The distance between imagination and reality is not very far.

Your imagination has great power to direct and influence those things you create in your life. So why is it that many of the good and desirable things you imagine do not ever happen?

Because along with the positive things you imagine, you may also be imagining fear and doubt in nearly equal proportion. Although your imagination is indeed powerful, it may be using up much of that power to fight against itself.

Your dreams, minus your doubts, equal your reality. To make real progress in your life, you can either make your doubts smaller or make your dreams bigger.

As you move through life, your imagination leads the way. Is it pushing you back with doubt and fear as much as, or even more than it is pulling you forward?

Choose to imagine the good and valuable things with such great passion and purpose that they far outweigh any doubts or fears you may have. And you’ll soon find yourself living the reality of your most treasured dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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