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If we had no faults, we should not take pleasure in noting those of others.
-- Francois De La Rochefoucauld


Friday, July 6, 2007


If, at some point, your day gets pushed in a negative direction, it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can quickly and completely recover.

The distractions and disruptions will surely come along. Yet you do not have to let any of them ruin your whole day.

There’s never any need to wait until tomorrow to make a fresh start. Instead, you can choose to immediately let go of whatever has thrown you off course.

You can decide to begin moving forward again right away. Keep in mind that the number of times you fall is not nearly as important as how quickly you get back up.

Don’t allow an isolated frustration, disappointment or change in plans to turn into a whole day’s worth of negative momentum. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can be moving forward.

Recover quickly, get back up and get going again with renewed determination. Nothing will be able to hold you back for long.

— Ralph Marston

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