Friday, May 25, 2007
Positive path
If you wish to get rid of something, do not seek to fight against it. For by doing so, you only end up making it stronger.
Instead, choose to create a more valuable and compelling alternative. Find a way to channel your desire for change in a positive direction.
Let go of your need to assign blame and to seek retribution for destructive behavior. For that usually results in an escalating cycle of more destruction.
Instead, move completely beyond what has happened and give your energy to the best of what can be for all involved. Fill the situation with so much positive value that there’s no space remaining for the negative influences.
For every negative influence, no matter how powerful, there is something positive and beneficial that can render it irrelevant. Challenge yourself to find and to travel that positive path.
Don’t make the problems worse by giving them the energy of your resistance. Make the world better by giving the power of your love.
— Ralph Marston

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