virgin islands scene

People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.
-- Abigail Van Buren


Monday, August 21, 2006

Taste the beauty

Graciously receive what is offered you, and give what you are sincerely able. Find sustenance and rich meaning in the ceaseless flow that is life.

Let go of your need to keep score and to match each transaction with another. Choose instead to observe and to follow the truth that your heart knows.

Give friendship, love, attention, understanding, effort, respect and commitment. And accept the unique, intimate, surprising, valuable and enriching gifts that others are longing to give you.

Add your own special voice to the chorus of life, simply for the joy of singing. And delight in the beauty of the increasingly harmonious songs that are sung.

Give your light to the world. And bask in the vibrant glow as it joins the light of all those around you.

Give who you are and receive the richness of your gifts reflected back in ways you never could have imagined. With all that you are, taste the beauty of your special place in all that is.

— Ralph Marston

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