virgin islands scene

I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars; I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
-- Warren Buffett


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The seeds you nourish

Those seeds that receive water and nourishment are the seeds that will grow. What seeds in your life are you watering right now?

Life is constantly sprouting new possibilities. During each day, many and various influences will fall upon the fertile ground of your consciousness.

The quality of your life depends on which of those influences you allow to take hold and grow. It pays to select them wisely.

If you nourish the seeds of anger, violence, envy and resentment, then thorny, tangled stalks will soon spring up all around you. If instead you nurture the seeds of love, hope, kindness, creativity and joy, a lush and lovely garden will begin to flower in your life.

Choose in each moment to nourish those seeds that will in turn grow to nourish and support you. Hold on to and build those influences that will bring value, meaning, richness and fulfillment to your life.

Follow those possibilities that are the most positive and meaningful. And make the garden of your life a beautiful, peaceful and productive place.

— Ralph Marston

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