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I have no particular talent. I am merely extremely inquisitive.
-- Albert Einstein


Thursday, August 5, 2004

See the beauty

Beauty is not what you think of as beautiful. Beauty is what you experience as truth.

Beauty cannot be defined, limited or contained. Yet when you let go of the need to possess it, beauty is yours to behold.

The less you try to grasp it, the more beauty you’ll know. For beauty speaks directly to your soul, without the need to pass through your mind.

Today is a beautiful day, wherever you may be, whatever you are doing. For beauty depends not on outer circumstances, but is there when you are ready to see it.

Beauty is here and now, right among the seeming disappointments and imperfections. Beauty needs nothing and always says so much that can be said in no other way.

Let go of the need to decide whether any particular thing or time is beautiful or not. And see the beauty in it all.

— Ralph Marston

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