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Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.
-- Dale Carnegie


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

A higher level

When times are hectic, when your plans go awry, when frustrations mount and anxiety overtakes you, stop and remember. Remember who you are.

The troubles of the moment may seem big and imposing right now. Remember, though, that they are relatively minor when compared to the big picture.

You will get through the difficulties and frustrations. You’ll get through them far more quickly and effectively when you can rise calmly and confidently above them.

Remember how very good life can be, and how very fortunate you are to be living it. Remember the things that truly matter, your most profound blessings, your most treasured dreams.

The frustrations and inconveniences, the disappointments and setbacks all exist on a certain level. And you can rise to a much higher level.

Remember that, when the world is hectic, noisy, and confusing. Put it in perspective, rise a little above it all, and move on ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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