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People of little understanding are most apt to be angry when their sense is called into question.
-- Samuel Richardson


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Slow down

Life is not a race. It is a journey.

Getting someplace first, before anyone else, has very little real and lasting meaning. Seek instead to encourage others to come along, and you’ll find the journey much more fulfilling.

When you hurry through each moment, you miss out on the richness that could be yours. Take the time to live, to experience where you are, rather than being so obsessed with getting to the next checkpoint.

When you stop demanding to have it all now, you’ll discover that you have plenty already. Learn to experience joy where you are, and you’ll experience it in abundance.

Yes, it can be wonderfully exhilarating when life is moving quickly. But do not move so quickly that speed becomes your only experience, for there is so much more to enjoy.

The terrain of life is filled with wonderful and astounding detail. Slow down and take in its richness.

— Ralph Marston

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