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The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-- Alfred North Whitehead


Thursday, April 15, 2004

Give to this day

What can you give to this day? There are a million possibilities to be of service, to be of value, to make a difference.

Sure, you’re as busy as can be. Of course, your world is filled with complex, complicated challenges. Yes, your time and resources are in short supply, and it may seem that there’s nothing left to give. Give anyway, and you’ll find that the very act of giving brings you even more with which to give.

Give a smile, give a moment of your time, give a word of encouragement. Give a hand, give a small bit of kindness, and watch it grow.

There is nothing that can energize you more than knowing you’re making a real difference. Give of yourself, and there’s suddenly even more of you to give.

Give to this day. And you can make it the best one yet.

— Ralph Marston

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