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Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Pay the price

The sooner you pay the price, the lower that price will be, and the more you’ll receive in return. The more willingly and gratefully you pay the price, the more quickly you’ll realize the benefits.

When you attempt to gain value without paying the price, you’ll end up paying even more. Each effort you make to get something for nothing will just put you that much farther behind.

What you hoard, hide and hold back from life will only serve to hold you back. Instead, be generous with your time, your spirit, your love and your efforts, and life will be full indeed.

It is truly a privilege to pay the price. For that is how value gets created. It is truly a blessing to make the effort. For that is where fulfillment begins.

Step forward with enthusiasm and pay the price. For you know how much value it will surely bring.

— Ralph Marston

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