virgin islands scene

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.
-- Ivy Baker Priest


Saturday, November 29, 2003

Really you

There is the you that the rest of the world sees. And then there is the you that is really, truly you.

Sometimes you can become so very concerned about your image, and about what others think. And that beautiful person, the real person inside, gets smothered under it all.

There’s much more to you than what people see. And if you pay attention, you can feel that person inside yearning to truly live.

The you that is really you is not there to cause pain, but to experience fulfillment and joy. The pain in fact comes mostly from keeping the real you hidden away.

Outer success may appear to require that you keep the real you repressed and forgotten. Yet anything that is gained by denying who you truly are, is empty, meaningless and not worth the effort.

Real success comes when what is on the outside finds strength and substance from what is on the inside. Life has true meaning when what you do is based on who you know you really are.

— Ralph Marston

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