virgin islands scene

So is cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more remains.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Already there

Joy is your natural state of being, and yet you cover it up with fear, insecurity, doubt, negativity and strife. Give up the fear, let go of the doubt, surrender the insecurity and the joy will surely emerge.

Joy is not something that can or must be pursued. True and abiding joy needs only to be accepted, allowed and experienced. It is already there and always will be waiting. It has nothing to do with circumstances or events, and everything to do with how you look at yourself and your life.

Joy cannot be purchased and it cannot be earned. It is there for you to live and experience. Joy cannot be manufactured or hoarded, or kept away from you by anyone else. Let go of those negative, destructive things and thoughts and habits that keep it hidden. Let go, and let joy emerge.

— Ralph Marston

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