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Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.
-- W. Somerset Maugham


Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Delight in the little things

Make a point to delight in every little thing. The more things you consider to be a reason for joy, the more joyful you will be.

A few things are so overwhelmingly positive or so completely negative as to not need any judgment on your part. All the other things, though, depend largely on how you see them.

If you see something as a curse it will be a curse. If you see it as a blessing it will indeed be a blessing for you. Don’t allow others to poison your attitude with their complaints and their gloomy pessimism. Be aggressively and proactively positive.

Find delight in the little things. And you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how delightful the big things turn out to be, too.

— Ralph Marston

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