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Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change.
-- Henry Steele Commager


Friday, November 1, 2002

Feeling great

If you could choose between feeling gloomy and feeling delighted, which one would you choose? If you could choose between feeling sorry for yourself and feeling confident in your ability to make a difference, which would you choose?

The delightful fact is that you can choose and you do choose your attitude, every moment of every day. When you’re feeling sad or happy or frustrated or assured, it’s because you’ve decided to respond to life in that particular way.

By feeling lousy you are not going to do anyone any good. Yet by feeling great and putting those feelings into action you might just lift up others around you and make a positive difference in your world.

But what about those days that are filled with challenges, obstacles, frustrations and pain? Well, if you don’t want to feel great about what’s going on, you can always choose to feel great in spite of what’s going on.

No matter what has happened in the past, this moment is filled with positive possibilities. No matter how lousy you may have felt five minutes ago, you can choose to feel great about yourself right now.

And when you genuinely open your eyes and open your heart to all the good things that are truly possible, the world around you will begin to resemble those great feelings you have.

— Ralph Marston

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