virgin islands scene

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg


Monday, October 28, 2002

You know

You know how completely right it feels when you genuinely offer kindness to another person. You’ve felt how truly right it can be when you’re following a positive purpose with focus and passion and commitment.

And you know how wrong it can feel when you give yourself over to doubt, negativity, anger, and empty indulgences. So why do you keep going down those negative pathways, and so often turn your back on what you know is right?

Perhaps it’s the perception that you have no other choice, that you’re obligated to be tossed around by whatever comes your way. But that’s not the case at all.

Certainly there are all sorts of things which are outside your control. But you always have complete control over what you do about them. That uplifting and energizing feeling of doing what you know is right can be a part of every single moment if you choose for it to be. The sickening feeling of regret need never darken even a single day.

At any given time you can choose to punish yourself or to fulfill your best possibilities. Make each moment, each day better than the best you’ve ever known by choosing to follow what you know is right.

— Ralph Marston

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