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Never mistake motion for action.
-- Ernest Hemingway


Saturday, October 26, 2002

Beyond ego

Nothing drains your energy as dependably or wastes your time as surely as the effort you put into maintaining your own sense of self importance. Just imagine how gloriously free you can be by simply letting go of the need to feed your own ego.

Every time you allow your ego to direct your actions, you place limits on what you can achieve and who you can become. Get beyond those concerns of the ego, and things that once seemed prohibitively difficult can become amazingly easy.

It’s hard to be completely honest with yourself and with others while protecting your own ego. Once you get past the ego, though, your thoughts and actions become empowered by truth and honesty, and are immensely more effective as a result.

Get beyond ego and you get beyond envy, spite, the need to prove yourself, the need to blame or carry a grudge. You get beyond a whole lot of useless needs that would only drag you down.

Think for a moment about all the limitations you impose on yourself. Get beyond your ego and you’ll find yourself refreshingly free of them.

— Ralph Marston

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