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Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
-- Clare Boothe Luce


Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Seeds of greatness

If there were no problems, there would be no progress. Problems may be painful, frustrating and unpleasant, but they do have the power to get you focused and to keep you going.

Problems can compel you to think, and they can motivate you to get moving. They can bring out positive, valuable qualities you might otherwise never have known you had.

Problems can strengthen your faith, for sometimes there is nowhere else to turn. Problems can help you to truly understand and appreciate what’s really important in life.

Some of life’s greatest achievements have been the result of the most difficult and imposing problems. Problems can focus and positively direct efforts and energy that might otherwise be scattered or never even applied.

Problems can be a pain and they can also, ultimately, be a blessing. If you have your share of problems, take heart, for they carry with them the seeds of greatness.

— Ralph Marston

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