Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Handle with care
Look at people who are successful, at people who are effective, and there’s a certain characteristic that almost always is immediately obvious. Truly successful people sincerely care about what they’re doing.
When you care about what you’re doing, you are naturally going to continue getting better and better at it. Rather than being careless, sloppy and ineffective, you become skilled, innovative and efficient.
If you despise what you’re doing, not only are you making yourself miserable, you’re also not getting very much value out of the effort. Why in the world would you spend your precious time in such a way? No one can always be doing exactly what they want to do, every moment of every day. Yet anyone can find a way to sincerely care about whatever they may be doing.
Are you using your time and your efforts to create real value? Or are those efforts simply wasted on resentment, boredom and frustration?
Care about what you’re doing, if for no other reason than the fact that you’re spending your precious time to do it. Care enough about the work you do and no matter what it is, you’ll be moving toward success.
Ralph Marston

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