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The biggest fool in the world is he who merely does his work supremely well, without attending to appearance.
-- Michael Korda


Friday, September 20, 2002

What’s in it for others

What will your success do for others? What positive effect will the success you desire have on the world around you? When your vision of success is all about you, the road is long and lonely, and probably won’t take you anywhere worth reaching. But when you expand your vision of success beyond yourself, then lots of powerful factors line up in your favor.

When the success you seek brings value to others, you’re likely to find plenty of support in reaching it. Instead of fighting to take something just for yourself, you’re working to make a positive difference in your world.

When you seek only to take for yourself, you’re guaranteed to be met with stiff resistance every step of the way. On the other hand, when you sincerely seek to give, and to provide real value to those around you, others will go out of their way to cheer you on and lift you up.

You must really mean it, though. Faking it won’t bring anything of lasting value.

Rather than looking for ways to take advantage, rather than being in it just for yourself, look for ways to give advantage, ways to create real value for others. That’s the very best strategy to ensure your own real and lasting success.

— Ralph Marston

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