Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Give of yourself
When you give more than you expect to receive, you’ll end up receiving more than you ever expected. That which you give, comes back to you many times over, while that which you withhold never goes anywhere or accomplishes anything.
Nothing makes you feel more positive about yourself than giving of yourself to others. And when you truly, sincerely feel positive about yourself, you can achieve magnificent things.
If all you’re ever concerned with is what’s in it for you, there will never be very much in it for you. Yet when you expand your focus and give the best you have, in return you’ll experience the best there is.
If you wait to receive something first before you ever begin to give, you’ll miss out on ninety percent of life’s best opportunities. Unfortunately, that’s an approach that all too many people adopt.
But there’s no need to be held back by the shortsightedness of others. Take the first step, give of yourself, with enthusiasm, with positive energy, and with the best of expectations. Keep it up, and you’ll find that those expectations, high as they may be, will always, in time, be greatly exceeded by the positive and valuable difference you make.
Ralph Marston

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