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No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable.
-- L. E. Landon


Monday, August 12, 2002

Getting even

Why would you ever want to get even with someone who has wronged you? By very definition, getting even would mean lowering yourself to that person’s level, and what would be the value of that?

In fact, there is no value in getting even. Any attempts to do so simply perpetuate and increase the harm that has already been done.

Instead of putting your time, your energy, and your resources into getting even, put them into moving beyond and moving ahead. For wouldn’t you rather be getting ahead than merely getting even?

If your efforts are wrapped up in getting even, you’re allowing your life to be controlled by those who have harmed you. That’s certainly not what you want.

Forget about getting even, and put your focus on moving steadily and confidently ahead. That will put you in a far better position than you could ever hope to reach by merely getting even.

— Ralph Marston

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