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Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Wednesday, July 24, 2002

The value of challenge

When you understand and appreciate the value of challenge, it can truly change your world. Simply by seeking meaningful challenges, and enthusiastically doing what it takes to work through them, you can raise your experience of life to a whole new level.

Would you like to increase your self confidence? Working through a difficult challenge can leave you positively bursting with the confidence to attempt even more, and to succeed. Is there some particular achievement you have set your sights upon? When you’re ready and willing to take on the challenges, you’re ready, willing and able to achieve.

Challenge is exhilarating, and it teaches valuable lessons which can be learned nowhere else. Challenge can certainly be difficult, and yet in that difficulty is a solid and genuine value which can be reached in no other way.

Those who assume that challenge is to be avoided end up missing out on some of the best things life has to offer. Seek challenge, run toward it, and what you will find is whatever you truly desire to accomplish.

— Ralph Marston

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