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No one ever went broke by saying no too often.
-- Harvey McKay


Tuesday, July 23, 2002

A peaceful mind

Great ideas and great accomplishments flow easily and naturally from a calm and peaceful mind. When you are free to think and act in the direction of your most treasured dreams and highest vision, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

But when your mind is filled with resentment or regret, it cannot do its work. When worries are bouncing around inside your head, they crowd out the valuable and useful thoughts. When anger clogs your thinking, your mind has trouble getting anything done. When envy infects your thoughts, it’s difficult to focus on anything else.

So put your mind at ease, free your thoughts, and let them move you quickly forward. Experience how wonderful and refreshing it can be to release your mind from the burden of negativity.

No one is forcing you to hang on to your anger, so let it go. Nothing can make you worry unless you choose to worry. Whatever is possible, is possible for you, so there’s never any reason to be envious of anyone. Let all those negative thoughts simply fall away from you.

You are blessed with a powerful and effective mind. Keep it calm, keep it peaceful, and fill it with the thoughts that will move you quickly ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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