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It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Friday, July 12, 2002

The power of passion

If you do not like your present circumstances, stop giving your thoughts and your energy to them. Rather than being sick and tired of the way things are, become passionate about how you want them to be.

You can attract to yourself whatever you most passionately desire. Yet you can also attract whatever you most passionately despise. Whatever is the object of your strongest, most enduring passion will become a reality in your life. So focus your passion on what you love, not on what you hate.

Imagine what would happen if you spent this entire day with all your energy directed toward your most positive possibilities. Imagine how life would be if you could simply accept that what’s happened has happened, and now you’re free to fulfill your most treasured desires.

Imagine it, and then go beyond imagining to make it so. Set your mind, your heart, your intention and your passion on the very best, and that is where you’ll go.

— Ralph Marston

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