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Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
-- Napoleon Hill


Thursday, July 11, 2002

Brilliant reflection

When you give joy to others, you cannot possibly avoid experiencing that joy yourself. When you teach others, you cannot help but learn in a profound and substantial way.

You cannot force anyone to understand you. Yet when you genuinely seek to understand, you will indeed be understood. The best way to get your point across is not by shouting. It is by listening first that you will know how to most effectively and convincingly speak.

The most self-serving thing you can do is to serve others. That wonderful paradox is the basis for civilization in it’s greatest and most benevolent form.

The more positively your life affects others, the more brilliantly is it reflected back to you. If you’re feeling a little down, offer your love, your kindness, your time, your attention to someone else. And you’ll lift up at least two people in the process.

— Ralph Marston

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