Thursday, June 27, 2002
Desire fulfilled
There is no good reason to continue putting off reaching for those things which you most truly and sincerely desire. Genuine desire is possible only when the means to achieve it are within your reach.
How can you truly desire anything unless, at some level, you know for certain that it is possible for you? And, knowing that, how can you possibly ignore such a compelling certainty?
Your highest and best desires are among the most precious gifts that you have to give to the world. For in following those very desires, you contribute to life in a way that only you can do.
Understanding and pursuing your most treasured desires is not by any means selfish. In fact, what’s selfish would be to ignore those desires and deprive the world of the best you have to give.
Start today to reach toward the best of your desires, and in the process you’ll fulfill the best of your possibilities.
Ralph Marston

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